Space Quiz

Solar System Quiz


Do you know Jupiter hosts over seventy moons? And, poor Pluto is not considered a planet anymore! Our very own solar system of eight planets continues to reveal amazing facts and inspire some out-of-this-world fantasies.

Test your knowledge of the planets and the sun with this fifty question solar system quiz! But, beware, you really need to have a lot of knowledge about the solar system. You can proudly call yourself an astronomy geek if you pass this solar system quiz with flying colors.

Wish you best of luck!

What is the ‘Great Red Spot’?

  1. A storm on Saturn

  2. A volcano on Mars

  3. A crater on Mercury

  4. A storm on Jupiter

Great Red Spot is an enormous, persistent cyclonic storm on the planet Jupiter

How much would a 100 kg person weigh on Mars?

  1. 10 KG

  2. 33 KG

  3. 150 KG

  4. 50 KG

Mars has a gravity roughly 30% of that of Earth

How long is a Saturnian Day?

  1. 4 Hours 57 Minutes

  2. 10 Hours 47 Minutes

  3. 228 Hours

  4. 24 Hours

Saturn rotates fast! A Saturnian day is a mere 10 Hours, 47 Minutes, measured in Earth time.

This planet has a temperature hot enough to melt lead?

  1. Mars

  2. Venus

  3. Mercury

  4. Earth

Venus is the hottest planet, featuring temperature hot enough to melt lead.

This planet has the highest Volcanic mountain in the solar system

  1. Saturn

  2. Jupiter

  3. Earth

  4. Mars

Olympus Mons on Mars is the largest volcano in the solar system

Which feature distinguishes Uranus from other planets?

  1. The farthest planet from the sun

  2. Largest planet

  3. Tilted over on its side

  4. Most number of moons

Uranus is the only planet whose equator is nearly at a right angle to its orbit

What speed of winds does Neptune have?

  1. Very Slow

  2. Hypervelocity

  3. Hypersonic

  4. Supersonic

Neptune is the windiest planet with winds flowing at speed greater than the speed of sound.

Which of these phenomena occurs on Mars?

  1. Hurricanes

  2. Tidal waves

  3. Burning Ice

  4. Dust storms

Mars is dusty. Like, really dusty.

Which of these planets have rings?

  1. All three

  2. Saturn

  3. Uranus

  4. Jupiter

If you thought only Saturn has rings, then learn - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune - all have rings.

How are the orientations of orbits of the planets in the Solar System?

  1. Orbits keep changing

  2. Orbits are exactly in same plane

  3. Orbits surround Sun in different planes

  4. Orbits are more or less in same plane

The planets in our solar system orbit our sun more or less in a single plane.

What are the giant planets also known as?

  1. All of the rest

  2. Jovian Planets

  3. Outer Planets

  4. Gas Giant Planets

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are giant planets, also called outer planets for their location outside Asteroid belt, also called Gas Giants for their gas surfaces, and also called Jovian for their proximity to Jupiter.

Which statement describes the atmosphere of the planet correctly?

  1. Mercury is mostly nitrogen

  2. Venus is mostly carbon-di-oxide

  3. Earth is mostly oxygen

  4. Saturn is mostly helium

The atmosphere of Venus is composed of more than 96 percent carbon dioxide

To weigh roughly one-third of what you do on Earth, which planet would you be on?

  1. Venus

  2. Mercury

  3. Uranus

  4. Mars

Mars has a gravity roughly 30% of that of Earth

How long does it take for light from the Sun to reach Earth?

  1. 8 minutes

  2. 8 seconds

  3. 8 milliseconds

  4. 8 hours

It takes an average of 8 minutes for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth

How old is the Solar System?

  1. 500 billion years

  2. 4.5 billion years

  3. 4.5 million years

  4. 5000 years

Our solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago

Which planet is the smallest?

  1. Mercury

  2. Mars

  3. Earth

  4. Neptune

Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, and is a little bigger than Earth's Moon.

That's called a Satellite

  1. A man-made object that orbits Earth

  2. A natural object that orbit planets

  3. Anything that orbit planets

  4. A natural object that orbits Earth

Satellite by definition is a celestial body orbiting the earth or another planet - artificial or natural.

Where do comets originate?

  1. They come from other nearby Solar Systems

  2. Asteroid Belt

  3. Kuiper Belt

  4. Oort Clouds

Most comets originate in a vast cloud of ice and dust that surrounds the solar system, The Oort Cloud

Which is the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt ?

  1. Itokawa

  2. Pallas

  3. Ceres

  4. Hygiea

Ceres is the largest asteroid, about one-quarter the size of the moon.

What are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars grouped as?

  1. Inner Planets

  2. Terrestrial Planets

  3. All of the options

  4. Rock Planets

Unlike gas giants, these planets feature a rock core making them terrestrial and lie inner of the asteroid belt.

What distance is 1 AU or one Astronomical Unit?

  1. Distance between Sun and Asteroid Belt

  2. Distance light travels in one minute

  3. Distance between Sun and Earth

  4. Distance between Sun and Kuiper Belt

One Astronomical Unit (AU) is an astronomical unit of distance effectively equal to the distance between Earth and the Sun.

How much is distance 1AU?

  1. 1 Million KM

  2. 500 Million KM

  3. 150 Million KM

  4. 100 Million KM

One astronomical unit is equals to 150 million kilometers or 8.3 light minutes.

Where does the asteroid belt lie?

  1. Between Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud

  2. Between Earth and Mars

  3. Between Mars and Jupiter

  4. Between Earth and Moon

Asteroid belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Which planet is named after the Ancient Roman Goddess of Love?

  1. Saturn

  2. Jupiter

  3. Earth

  4. Venus

The Romans named the brightest planet, Venus, for their goddess of love and beauty.

What is Hindi name of planet Uranus?

  1. Rahu

  2. Ketu

  3. Varun

  4. Arun

Uranus is called as Arun

Remove the odd man out

  1. Andromeda Galaxy

  2. Inner Planets

  3. Comets

  4. Kuiper Belt

Kuiper Belt, Comets, Inner Planets are objects in the solar system

What causes a solar eclipse?

  1. Venus blocks our view

  2. Sun has a darker side too

  3. A large star blocks our view

  4. The moon casts a shadow on the Earth

When the Moon blocks the light of the Sun from reaching Earth, it causes an eclipse of the Sun, or a solar eclipse.

How is the atmosphere on Venus?

  1. Cold and snowy

  2. Cold and rainy

  3. Hot, acidic and poisonous

  4. Mild and calm

Venus is the hottest planet and has an acidic, toxic atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide.

Every how many years does Halley’s Comet passes by the Sun?

  1. 150

  2. 660

  3. 3

  4. 76

Halley's Comet's orbit period is, on average, 76 Earth years.

Olympus Mons is a large volcanic mountain on which planet?

  1. Venus

  2. Earth

  3. Mercury

  4. Mars

Olympus Mons on Mars is the largest volcano in the solar system

Which is Saturn’s largest moon?

  1. Enceladus

  2. Hyperion

  3. Titan

  4. Dione

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest moon in the solar system

Ganymede is a moon of which planet?

  1. Neptune

  2. Saturn

  3. Uranus

  4. Jupiter

Ganymede is the moon of Jupiter, and is the largest and most massive of the Solar System's moons

Which planet has Sulphuric Acid rains?

  1. Venus

  2. Mercury

  3. Saturn

  4. Jupiter

The most acidic rain of Sulphuric Acid in the Solar System is found on the planet Venus

Which planet rotates sideways?

  1. Venus

  2. Jupiter

  3. Uranus

  4. Saturn

Uranus tilts almost 98 degrees! Uranus' axis is so tilted, it actually looks like the planet is rotating sideways

What causes abnormal rotation of planets like Venus and Uranus?

  1. Asteroid Collision

  2. Solar Winds

  3. Gravity of neighboring planets

  4. Planet Collision

Venus and Uranus originally rotated counter-clockwise – like Earth and the other planets still do – but were struck at some point by other planets that sent them spinning in different directions.

What is the name of Sun’s mysterious twin star?

  1. Proxima Centauri

  2. Alpha

  3. Nemesis

  4. Nibiru

Nemesis is a hypothetical star thought to be orbiting the Sun, forming a twin star system

Which moon is of Mars?

  1. Ganymede

  2. Charon

  3. Io

  4. Phobos

Mars has two moons - Phobos and Deimos

What is the belt outside of Pluto's orbit called?

  1. Main Asteroid Belt

  2. The Oort cloud

  3. Halley Belt

  4. Kuiper Belt

Kuiper belt, also called Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, comprises small bodies that revolve around the Sun beyond the orbit of the planet Pluto.

Which moon has mysterious ocean below its surface?

  1. Triton

  2. Io

  3. Europa

  4. Titan

Europa's, Jupiter's moon, has a vast and deep ocean below its solid surface.

Which object is the most volcanically active in the solar system?

  1. Ganymede

  2. Io

  3. Mars

  4. Pluto

Io, a moon of Jupiter, is the most volcanically active object in our solar system.

What percent of the Solar System’s mass does Sun hold?

  1. 99.9%

  2. 27%

  3. 50%

  4. 6%

The sun holds over 99.9% of the total solar system mass, leaving only 0.1% for planets, moons and asteroids.

Which planet has a hexagonal North Pole?

  1. Saturn

  2. Neptune

  3. Uranus

  4. Jupiter

Saturn has a persistent hexagonal cloud pattern around the north pole

How many days does moon take to rotate around Earth?

  1. 1

  2. 27

  3. 90

  4. 365

The moon orbits the Earth once every 27 days.

The Galilean and Amalthea moons orbit which planet?

  1. Neptune

  2. Saturn

  3. Uranus

  4. Jupiter

Galilean and Amalthea are part of the system of Jupiter's over 70 moons

What causes Aurora?

  1. Water Vapour

  2. Solar Winds

  3. Rains

  4. Moon's Light

Aurora displays are generated by the massive explosions on the Sun causing huge solar winds

Which dwarf planet has longest and most mysterious orbit of over 12,000 years?

  1. Pluto

  2. Orcus

  3. Sedna

  4. Pallas

Sedna has an exceptionally elongated orbit, and takes over 12,000 years to orbit the Sun

Which planet featured a ‘Great Dark Spot’?

  1. Neptune

  2. Saturn

  3. Uranus

  4. Jupiter

The Great Dark Spot was a huge spinning storm in the atmosphere of Neptune which was about the size of the entire Earth.

Which object is called as King of the Kuiper Belt?

  1. Eris

  2. Sedna

  3. Pluto

  4. Makemake

Pluto is known as the "King of the Kuiper Belt" – and it's the largest object in the belt.

On which planet does the sun rise in the west?

  1. Venus

  2. Mercury

  3. Uranus

  4. Saturn

Venus spins in the opposite direction from most other planets, including Earth, so that on Venus the sun rises in the west.

Its the Red planet

  1. Saturn

  2. Mars

  3. Venus

  4. Jupiter

Red Planet is a nickname for the planet Mars, due to its surface color.

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